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Feature Fridays: Intercultura Costa Rica

Published Lynne on Friday, October 14, 2022 7:00 AM

Feature Fridays: Intercultura Costa Rica

Can you tell us something about your school?

Intercultura’s Spanish Immersion Program in Costa Rica is offered at our two beautiful campuses, one right on the beach, and the other in the traditional university city of Heredia. One thing that makes us unique is our social activities program, which includes free daily activities (Latin dance, cooking, films, yoga, zumba), plus three outings per week with local Costa Ricans, offering our Spanish students the chance to get to know and interact with the local community in a fun, social setting. Our professors are all university certified, and provide dynamic, small-group classes using the communicative approach, ensuring that students are quickly able to conduct conversations at their level.

What agents are you looking to work with? 

Ideally, we would like to add agents from Scandinavia, the UK, France, and other European countries, as well as from the US and Canadá (English and French speaking). Asia and Australia would also be great sources to help increase student diversity.

Our students are typically of all ages and backgrounds, and we love working with agencies who help us maintain this variety. We offer family programs for younger students, and adult programs with students from 18 to 80+!

Mention your 3 top unique selling points:

- Beautiful beach-front campus & city campuses, each with a friendly, personalized atmosphere and multilingual staff.

- Daily activities and outings immerse students in the culture and provide ample opportunities to make friends and integrate into the community

- Homestays with local families or student apartments/residence offer lodging options for all preferences.


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